Saturday, July 21, 2012

I have 44 more days until I leave for London and the Wales, which is very easy to keep up with thanks to my count down widget, and I'm convinced it isn't enough time!

 I still haven't figured out how I'm going to manage my money while I'm there (accessing cash and so forth) without being charged astronomical fees and exchange rates. I also will probably have to do some shopping... What do you wear when it rains all the time?!

The closer this trip gets the more stressed out I become, I really want to enjoy myself, but I just can't shake this pessimistic feeling that it is going to be extremely hard to adapt to some things. For example, while I don't have to learn a new langauge (Thank goodness!) the names for everything over there seem to be different! Atm's are called cash points, fries are chips, and if I start talking about my pants everyone is going to think I'm talking about my undies!

Not to mention that they spell things differently and since I'm going to be taking classes I'm actually really worried that I'm not only going to have points deducted, but that I am going to look like an idiot.

I'm sure there will be more purging before take off.

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